Henry Sibley Final Video

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Final Video

Although this is our final official Act Out Loud video, it is by no means the end of our project. Help us sustain our efforts and outreach by voting for Henry Sibley SADD at actoutloud.org, every day from May 11 - 22.

Look back at our first post -- where our project began with a presentation to students and parents about the importance of alert driving -- to our final posts featuring our PSAs through the mock car crash.

We want to give special thanks to those who covered us in the Media -- especially the Southwest Review and Town Square TV, who did a special segment on our programs. Our "Crash Here" PSA recently got accepted to a film festival; now more people can hear this important message! And a thank you also goes out to Representative Rick Hansen who has supported our program and helped spread the message to his constituents.

Thanks to the many students in and out of SADD who were involved in the making of the PSAs and helping us get the word out (making T-shirts, business cards, buttons...)

Oh and one more - thank YOU for taking the time to follow our blog and support our message!

Safe Driving Rap - the Real Deal

Here is the guy who started it all - the creator of the safe driving rap we've all had stuck in our heads!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Driving it Home!

Thanks to all the people who have helped SADD drive the safe driving message home! A special thanks goes out to Luis, a freshman, who wrote a safe driving rap for the school assembly. His popular lyrics can be heard throughout the halls -- the real deal will be online soon... :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Don't Get Stoned

Hello again! Along with the mock car crash, we released our final poster campaign... not driving under the influence. 60% of fatal teen crashes are alcohol related. Alcohol related crashes kill one person every 30 minutes. Don't be another statistic.